If you have discovered, or suspect, you have mold illness and you've stumbled, fumbled or researched your way here in your valiant endeavor to be taken seriously, diagnosed correctly, and actually treated . . . this site is for you.
I am in no way a medical practitioner of any sort. I am simply a fellow mold illness sufferer who despairs of a medical fraternity that - by vast majority - either won't recognise the reality of mold illness or has no clue what to do about it.
Mind the Mold is dedicated to Vette, my precious border collie / papillon cross, whose sudden seizures, I now realise – after studying the information resources that inform this website – was suffering severe mold illness. Contrary to his vet’s too-ready, uninformed and untested assumption, he likely didn’t have a brain tumour at all . . . and thus, didn’t need to be euthanased, as he sadly was. In retrospect, he was exhibiting mold toxicity’s classic hallmarks.
Five years earlier, I had purchased a house that, unbeknownst to me, had a serious infestation of toxic mold hidden in its bathroom walls and floors – the result of an incorrectly installed shower during its build.
If I’d known what I know now, I’d have recognised the telltale signs of mold (maybe before I even went ahead with buying the property). Certainly, I would have gotten Vette, his little brother Harry, and myself all out of that poisonous environment as soon as the mold was discovered. I’d still have Vette, I’d have been spared of my own now six years of extreme mold toxicity (I both remediated the house and also moved, but after that duration of exposure, the mold illness has come with me), and my other little dog, Harry, would have escaped the effects . . . which he hasn’t.
So the mission of this dynamic information resource is to spare other people – and their pets – the unnecessary heartbreak (and expense) and years carved out of lives due to mold illness.
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