Mold is involved in ear ringing in two ways, spores and toxins, especially the mycotoxins, explains Dr Jill Crista.
"The spores get into your respiratory passages, including your sinuses, causing irritation and inducing mast cells," she says. "Then, your inner ear Eustachian tube runs right alongside this area, so it's directly affected by the resulting irritation and inflammation."
Then to mycotoxins . . . which are
nerve toxins.
These mycotoxins enhance the irritation by inflaming the inner ear's nerve network. That, in turn, results in a constant “pinging” in the inner ear nerve. And that, she says, is the cause of the ear ringing.
Dr Crista says that "resetting the nasal-sinus microbiome" by using nasal treatments that target fungi and bacteria, can help restore balance in the microbiome, helping your normal flora re-establish itself.
Urging tenacity and patience, she points out that "even with the perfect mold protocol, ear ringing is one of the last symptoms to resolve, in mold-related illness."
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