Dr Evan Brand - a well-known name in the functional medicine field - discusses how mold illness, just like lyme disease, is 'the great mimicker' . . . and explains why so many mold illness patients are misdiagnosed. Sometimes dangerously.
"Anything that people would describe as 'weird', you can almost guarantee it's mold. If you have a burning sensation in your head, or tingling in your feet, or you go in a certain building and one side of your face goes numb . . . it's almost certain to be mold."
"But doctors must look for root cause," he stresses. He points to the fact that he knows of mold patients who have been put on beta blockers, for example, by cardiologists who think they're managing the condition. But the condition isn't what they think it is, at root.
Dr Brand says he hasn't yet put his finger on the reason for the reluctance to talk openly about - and recognise - mold toxicity. Is it that people don't want to accept the logistical and financial ramifications of discovering they are living or working in a mold-toxic environment? Is it that they're afraid they'll be accused of it "all being in their head"?
He doesn't know. But this reticence, he says, and the fact that it results in a lack of diagnosis, corrective actions, and treatment, is grossly injurious to a mold sufferer's health.
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